Creates a network of destinations serving daily needs and activities.
Close-by shopping allows walking and exercise
Problem: People need a network of close-by resources that can meet their daily needs, including shopping, recreation, schools, places of work and other daily activities.
Upward Hyperlinks: Density Rings, Web of Transportation, Identifiable Neighborhood
Therefore: Create a network of destinations serving daily needs and activities, and integrated with the Web of Transportation and the Network of Through Streets. Provide Neighborhood Centers at the nodes, which will allow small shops and other activities to form.
Score your project's performance on this pattern, with a value from 1 to 10. 5 means "meets the pattern with minimal adequacy." 10 is "meets the pattern to maximum effective degree." 0 is "does not meet the pattern at all." (The default value is 5 -- if you don't know what your score is, leave this value in place.)
8 Web of Shopping and Activities
Below are the predicted results of your change.
New Emissions per Capita Web of Shopping and Activities CALC Emissions * (100-Web)/100
Total Residents Emissions * (100-Web)/100 PRODUCT SHOW Total Neighborhood GHG Equivalent Emissions
Emissions * (100-Web)/100 SHOW New Emissions per Capita
Source: Ewing, R., Bartholomew, K., Winkelman, S., Walters, J., & Chen, D. (2009). Growing cooler: the evidence on urban development and climate change. Renewable Resources Journal, 25(4), 6-13.
In the layout of lots, provide for Degrees of Publicness within the spatial network between the most public streets, parks and squares, to the most private parts of homes and offices.
HINT: You can always go back to previous patterns (including those listed in the "Upward Hyperlinks" section above) and refine your choices.